In addition to publicly available housing sites, such as Craigslist, Yale hosts an off-campus housing database. Several neighborhoods in and around New Haven offer local markets within easy walking distance, green space, and short commutes to MB&B labs. If you have questions about what neighborhood might be right for you, contact the MB&B postdoc group for advice.
Social Events
Campus-wide events and other resources are provided by several groups on campus, including the Office for Postdoctoral Affairs, the Yale Postdoctoral Association, and the Office for International Students & Scholars. Most events are free and open to all, and are a great way to meet people if you are new to the area.
Getting Around
Yale provides a free shuttle service connecting to all areas on campus. There are also numerous resources for other modes of transportation and benefits for public transit commuters.
Benefits and Taxes
Information on Yale benefits available to postdocs can be found at Human Resources. Tax policies and other valuable information is available from Postdoctoral Affairs. Note that fellows (being paid from a fellowship) and associates (being paid by Yale, for instance through a professor’s grant) are treated differently in both cases. Information for international students can be found at the Office of International Students and Scholars.