The Ph.D. program offers a broad education in molecular and structural biology, and is remarkable for the scope of research it encompasses. Current areas of research include:
- regulation of the cell cycle
- protein-nucleic acid interactions
- control of development
- catalytic RNAs and RNA processing
- protein structure and function
- mechanisms of transcription, transposition, replication, recombination, and signal transduction
- molecular dynamics
- membrane proteins
- metabolism
Despite the diversity of their interests, researchers in the program are unified by a common desire to understand biological phenomena at the molecular level, whether through the use of genetic, biochemical or biophysical approaches.
The program in MB&B has close ties with the other graduate programs in the biological sciences at Yale and with the Department of Chemistry. These ties allow students in MB&B the opportunity to study and/or perform laboratory research with any of over 200 faculty at Yale. To further cement this spirit of cooperation, a more unified program was developed, called the Combined Program in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences. This program retains the advantages of moderately sized, interest-based groups of faculty, such as MB&B, and yet provides even greater flexibility and choice for students.
Researchers within the MB&B graduate program have a traditional spirit of interaction and cooperation, which exists at all levels from faculty to graduate students. There is generally easy access to equipment and facilities between one research group and another, and in many instances the cooperation runs much deeper and involves active collaboration and publication.
Graduate Contact
Wendy Gilbert, Director of Graduate Studies
Sterling Hall Med C>0127
Michelle Cegelka, Graduate Registrar
Yale University
Kline Tower, 307