Emily Sutton receives NIGMS F32 Fellowship

Picture of Emily Sutton, Postdoc in Baserga Lab
July 5, 2023
Emily Sutton, a Postdoctoral Associate in Susan Baserga’s lab, recently received the National Institute of General Medicine Sciences (NIGMS) F32 fellowship award. This award is given to promising postdoctoral candidates who demonstrate the potential to become successful, independent investigators in a research field related to general medicine sciences. In her proposal, Emily chose to explore the mitochondrial protein Sulfite Oxidase (SUOX) and its effect on ribosome biogenesis in the nucleolus.
Emily graduated from the University of Oregon, where she received her PhD studying the impacts of platinum chemotherapy drugs on the nucleolus in the lab of Dr. Victoria DeRose. Since then, Emily has been a post-doc in the Baserga lab for two years, and her future goals include conducting research and teaching in an academic setting. Outside of the lab, Emily is a member of the Yale Postdoctoral Association and enjoys hiking and cooking.
Baserga is immensely proud of Emily. She says, “Emily is an outstanding and gifted RNA biologist who plans a career in the academy. I am excited that, by garnering an F32 Postdoctoral Fellowship from the NIGMS, she has taken an important step in her academic career to develop the skill of writing and winning successful grant proposals. Together we look forward to forging new directions in probing the increasingly complex regulation of nucleolar function.” The department would like to congratulate Emily on this outstanding achievement!
By Shravani Balaji