MB&B wishes everyone a happy Pride Month! Each June, Pride month is observed to remember the Stonewall Riots, a catalyst for the gay rights movement, and to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community. LGBTQ+ individuals have been marginalized and discriminated against in the US and the world at large. While much progress has been made since the Stonewall riots in 1969, LGBTQ+ people still lack many legal protections and are often victims of harassment, discrimination, and violence. Celebrating Pride month is a way everyone can take a stand against the homophobia, transphobia, and bigotry the LGTBQ+ community still faces and demand that their humanity is respected.
The LGBTQ+ community has made many contributions to STEM, yet a lot of the LGTBQ+ scientists who made those contributions were closeted for their own safety. Even now, many LGBTQ+ scientists unfortunately do not feel comfortable enough to come out and choose to hide their identity for the sake of their safety and career. We at MB&B want you to know that LGBTQ+ scientists are not only accepted here, but also supported, valued, and celebrated. We believe the best science is done when everyone from all walks of life are involved. We believe that we’re better together. Happy Pride Month!
By Jake Thrasher