The 27th annual meeting of the RNA society was well attended by our MB&B colleagues. The meeting took place in Boulder, Colorado from May 31st to June 5th 2022 on the CU Boulder campus. At the conference, our MB&B scientists presented posters on their research at the conference, and many of them were honored with poster awards. The recipients were selected by a panel of RNA Society members, and each award included a monetary prize of $100. The following Yale RNA scientists were given poster awards for their outstanding research.
Giulia Biancon, Halene Lab, “Splicing Factor Mutations and Stress Granules in Myeloid Malignancies”
Cole Lewis, Gilbert Lab, “Maximizing therapeutic protein yield through 5′ UTR optimization”
Annsea Park, Steitz and Iwasaki Lab, “Neuronal readthrough transcripts in the surveillance of retroelements”
Leonard Schärfen, Neugebauer Lab, “Direct probing of nascent RNA structure during transcription in yeast”
Cassandra Schaening-Burgos, Gilbert Lab, “Transcriptome-wide pseudouridine profiling reveals modification of critical E. coli mRNAs”
MB&B is proud of these amazing scientists for the advances they are making in the RNA field and for representing Yale at the RNA Society meeting!
By Jake Thrasher