Nature Communications published a paper last week that concluded ‘senior’ female scientists are less effective than their male counterparts at mentoring ‘junior’ female trainees. This study has received much criticism from the broad scientific community for numerous methodological, data analysis and data interpretation flaws.
In MB&B, we value the fundamental requirement in science that conclusions be supported by many studies, executed by multiple labs. In the case of this particular paper, the conclusions are wholly at odds with decades of work and therefore it deserves a far greater level of scrutiny than the norm. If you are interested in participating in this scrutiny, the journal provides a forum which is presently very active.
In the meantime, we will follow the overwhelming evidence in the literature and from our own personal experiences right here in MB&B. Specifically, we have full confidence in our female faculty to mentor and train future scientists.
Enrique M. De La Cruz, Chair of MB&B
Andrew Miranker, DUS of MB&B
Karla Neugebauer, DGS of MB&B
Joan Steitz, Chair of MB&B Climate & Diversity Committee