A grand challenge of modern cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is to determine high-resolution biological structures in their native states in the subcellular context....
Genetic recoding is a powerful tool to utilize non-canonical amino acids and create highly diverse proteins. Researchers in MB&B have been working on expanding the...
Members from the group of Nikhil Malvankar, Associate Professor of MB&B in the Microbial Sciences Institute, recently published results in Nature Communications which...
Jimin Wang and colleagues recently characterized the Human Polypyrimidine Splicing Factor (PSF/SFPQ), an important tumor suppressor protein and multifunctional protein that...
Remdesivir, the nucleotide analog, is known to interact with the SARS-CoV-2 nsp12 RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and act via a delayed inhibition mechanism . While...
Jimin Wang and colleagues recently published in the Biochemistry journal of ACS Publications on “Insights into Binding of Single-Stranded Viral RNA Template to the...