The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) is a society of STEM-related scholars charged with providing the government independent, objective advice to inform policy and inspire progress on matters related to science and technology. Recently, NASEM decided to convene a committee to study direct sequencing of modifications of RNA, and among their appointed members was MB&B professor Susan Baserga. The committee, called Towards Sequencing and Mapping of RNA Modifications, aims to assess current techniques and goals associated with the direct sequencing of RNA modifications, as currently, the technology and infrastructure to study this field is limited, and the ability to assess RNA modifications in a high-throughput way is pivotal to our understanding of RNA function. Through a set of coordinated activities, such as workshops, panels and consultations with experts, the committee aims to produce a consensus report with actionable recommendations, allowing us to improve upon RNA sequencing methods and ultimately understand the roles that RNA modifications play in human health. Read more on this committee here.
The department would like to congratulate Baserga, who is looking forward to this venture, stating “I am thrilled to be part of the team that will formulate the current state-of-the-art in elucidating RNA modifications and what we hope will encompass our future.”
By Shravani Balaji