MB&B professors Dr. Karen Anderson and Dr. Anthony Koleske published a paper this month in the Journal of Biological Chemistry called ‘Platelet-derived growth factor...
Congratulations to Amer Al-Hiyasat, an MB&B and Physics double major graduate (YC’21), for being awarded the Russell Henry Chittenden Prize. This prize is awarded each...
Congratulations to Matt Cook and Katelyn Noronha for receiving the 2021 MB&B Excellence in Teaching Award. Matt and Katelyn are being honored as exemplary TA’s of MB&...
Two MB&B students, Ellen Corcoran and Jake Thrasher, each received a Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (F31)....
MB&B faculty members Alan Garen, PhD, and Thomas Pollard, PhD plan to retire this year. Garen has served as a Yale faculty member since 1963, coming to MB&B ten years...
In an article published this week in Cell, the Neugebauer and Bewersdorf labs identify the interaction between protein tudor domains and dimethylarginine modified proteins as...
A new article in PNAS from Dr. Susan Baserga’s group describes how biallelic splicing variants in a ribosome assembly factor, RBM28, causes a rare ribosomopathy known as...