
October 4, 2021
The Simon lab in collaboration with the Steitz lab recently developed a new technique and published their findings in Molecular Cell. The technique, Start-TimeLapse-seq (STL-...
October 1, 2021
In a recent article published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the Zhang lab along with collaborators, including Gennis (University of Illinois...
Han Chai Wang Rao
September 29, 2021
The Zhang group, in collaboration the Howard group, published seminal findings on the structure of outer-arm dynein arrays bound to microtubules in Nature Structural &...
Jennifer Claydon, PhD, Assistant Director of Training Program Assessment in BBS and the Poorvu Center and Susan Baserga, MD, PhD,
September 24, 2021
 Findings from a Yale B.B.S. course launched in 2019 and led by MB&B faculty member Susan Baserga, MD, PhD, were recently published in FASEB BioAdvances. The course, “...
Qinhui Rao and Kai Zhang
September 21, 2021
MB&B Assistant Professor Kai Zhang, PhD, and his postdoc Qinhui Rao, PhD, received the prestigious Gibbons Award for their work on outer-arm dynein. The Zhang lab, in...
Jeffery Tharp
September 16, 2021
An MB&B postdoc, Jeffery Tharp, PhD, has been awarded a Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00) from the NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences. Dr. Tharp is...
Joan Steitz
September 14, 2021
Joan Steitz, PhD, Sterling Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry and Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator, donated $33,000 to the Yale Center for RNA...