Congratulations to Karla Neugebauer on her directorship appointment to the Yale Center for RNA Science and Medicine. Members of the center consist of more than a dozen Yale...
By Meaghan Sullivan: This past July, Kirsten Knecht was one of 9 out of over 500 presenters selected for a poster prize at the 2018 Protein Society meeting in Boston,...
Yale’s Krios Electon Microscope yields fresh views of cells for professor Jun Liu and his colleagues. To read the full Yale West Campus Newsletter article click here.
By Meaghan Sullivan: Matt Simon, associate professor in MB&B and the Chemical Biology Institute at West Campus, has been awarded the Ono Pharma Breakthrough Science...
By Meaghan Sullivan: Assistant Professor Candice Paulsen has won two early career awards to support her research studying the pain receptor TRPA1 using biochemical...
The Sigler Prize is awarded to a graduating Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry major(s) who have demonstrated excellence in scholarship and research. The prize is named...
We are pleased to announce that two MB&B graduate students were selected to receive American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship Awards. Wanqing Lyu in Tony Koleske’...